3rd May 2019
Besides a lump, pruritus (or itching) can be another associated symptom of lymphoma.
Potential Pitfall
It is easy to associate pruritus with a less serious condition because of how general this symptom is. Furthermore, usually the itching does not usually present with an obvious rash, but it is important to investigate the nature of this symptom in the context of the patient’s wider condition.
Helpful hint
NICE NG12 guidelines advise the need to investigate other symptoms in conjunction with pruritus, particularly unexplained lymphadenopathy or splenomegaly, when making a suspected cancer referral. Additional symptoms to consider can include night sweats, fever, shortness of breath and weight loss.
Cancer Keys are brought to you by GatewayC.
Access GatewayC’s ‘Lymphoma – Early Diagnosis’ course here