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Our Values

Together, we want to help you detect cancer earlier in primary care

Our values govern how we make decisions, take action, and use every piece of information or marketing to help us facilitate earlier cancer diagnosis.

With trust

We are credible. We are transparent. We are part of the NHS.

We research. We plan. We work with experts including GPs, education specialists, and patients to ensure our information is the best it can be. We follow NICE NG12 guidelines to help our users detect cancer earlier. We are proud to be part of the NHS.

With passion

We are ambitious. We strive to do better. We genuinely care

Passion is at the heart of GatewayC. We understand that diagnosing cancer earlier is one of the biggest actions the NHS can take to improve survival rates. We are constantly moving forward, developing our knowledge and skills, and learning from experience, new ideas and different perspectives. We take pride in what we do, and we are committed to being the best we can.

With innovation

We are progressive. We are creative. We embrace change.

Excellence is the driver for all we do. We innovate for our users by embracing new learning initiatives and technology. We create content for different learning styles and needs. We don’t fear change, we embrace it.

With quality

We are expert. We are professional. We raise standards.

Trust and quality are at the heart of our resource. We provide only the highest level of learning resources, provided by leading experts in oncology and new treatments. We push ourselves to ensure we are always at the forefront of best practice.

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Our Team

Find out more about our team, including our experts and leadership

Our Strategy

We do whatever it takes to help primary care professionals detect cancer earlier. Discover our objectives

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NEW: GPs Talk Cancer podcast. Listen to our first episode.