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Cancer Keys

34% of stomach cancer diagnoses have avoidable delays

Published: 26 July 2022

12th December 2019

The National Cancer Diagnosis Audit found that 34% of stomach cancer diagnoses had avoidable delays.* This course is developed with and for primary care professionals to look at the different ways to assess and manage a patient’s potential stomach cancer diagnosis.

Follow the patient journey of Dave Healey from the initial visit to the GP to preparing for the referral appointment in secondary care. Find specialist commentary throughout the course from Medical Oncology Consultant, Dr Was Mansoor discussing risk factors, PPIs and the symptoms of stomach cancer.

The different aspects of the course will support you to:

    • Assess lifestyle and risk factors including identifying the most at risk demographic
    • Recognise the symptoms of stomach cancer
    • Explore the use of PPIs – read our cancer key on this
    • Evaluate the role of investigations and when to appropriately make suspected cancer referrals

*Information from National Cancer Diagnosis Audit: initial results on avoidable delays. See link here. 

Log in or Register to access this course. Collect 1 CPD credit on completion of this course.

Find out more:

Access GatewayC’s ‘Stomach Cancer – Early Diagnosis’ here

Read our Cancer Keys on Proton Pump Inhibitors in relation to investigating stomach cancer and how salty foods can increase risk for stomach cancer.

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