11th December 2020
We are delighted to announce that the new GatewayC’s ‘Ovarian Cancer – Early Diagnosis’ course is now available.
Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer for women in the UK, with around 7,400 diagnoses each year. Most women are diagnosed at advanced stages of the disease, as there are relatively fewer symptoms at stage 1 and 2 partially due to the cancer’s locality in the pelvis.
This course will support you to:
- Increase recognition of the symptoms of ovarian cancer
- Understand how genetic risk factors increase the likelihood of a cancer diagnosis
- Increase confidence in decision-making about appropriate investigations to undertake
Specialist interviews from:
- Prof. Gordon Jayson, Professor of Medical Oncology at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Emma Woodward, Consultant Clinical Geneticist at Saint Mary’s Hospital
Find out more: