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Cancer Maps

Navigating the way to early diagnosis

An RCGP award-winning referral algorithm that supports the NICE NG12 guidance. Our interactive tool makes it easy to recognise and refer suspected cancer cases. You can identify the correct pathway in just a few clicks.

Cancer Maps tutorial

NICE guidance




I plan to integrate the Cancer Maps into my daily routine consultation as I found them really helpful to remind me of further questions to ask from pt or further investigation to organise in order to clarify the underlying cause.
GP, Manchester

Dr Ben Noble

Creator of Cancer Maps, GP and Cancer Lead for East Midlands Cancer Alliance and Cancer Research UK. 

Swiftly recognise and refer suspected cancer patients

Cancer Maps are a valuable in-clinic tool developed by Dr Ben Noble and Patrick Noble. They help GPs recognise symptoms fast, so they can refer patients earlier.

The latest update features:

  • Important false-negative figures for key investigations
  • Background and risk factor information about each cancer type
  • Links to relevant GatewayC courses

Cancer Maps are included in the Early Cancer Diagnosis guidance of the Primary Care Network DES Specification and supported by the East Midlands Cancer Alliance and West Leicestershire CCG. The maps are a NICE-endorsed resource.

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