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RM Partners cancer resources

We’ve created a range of early cancer diagnosis resources for primary care professionals across NW and SW London. Commissioned by RM Partners Cancer Alliance we’ve developed a series of webinars (live and on-demand), infographics and short videos, all designed with GPs and specialists, to support earlier and faster cancer diagnosis across NW and SW London. 

Rm Partner
“The partnership between Clarity and GatewayC makes it more straight forward for GPs, enabling them to send evidence of course completion straight through to their appraisal with one click.”
Dr Sarah Taylor and Dr Rebecca Leon, GatewayC GP Leads

The early cancer
diagnosis resource

GatewayC provides innovative, and tailored information to support early cancer detection.

RM Partners Cancer Alliance is one of 21 Cancer Alliances established by the NHS to lead on the delivery of the cancer care recommendations in the NHS Long Term Plan.

More educational resources for NW and SW London


Downloadable fast facts on a page that cover symptoms, tests and pathways for a range of cancer types.


Short, informative videos by specialists who cover top tips and key red flags to look out for in your patients.


Hear from GPs and specialists on their practice tips and ways to support your patients to earlier diagnosis.

NEW: GPs Talk Cancer podcast. Listen to our first episode.