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Connect with FourteenFish

We have partnered with FourteenFish, the appraisal platform designed to support healthcare professionals at every point in their career. The integration will allow you to upload your GatewayC course completions to your e-Portfolio at the click of a button.
“The partnership between Clarity and GatewayC makes it more straight forward for GPs, enabling them to send evidence of course completion straight through to their appraisal with one click.”
Dr Sarah Taylor and Dr Rebecca Leon, GatewayC GP Leads

The early cancer
diagnosis resource

GatewayC provides innovative, and tailored information to support early cancer detection.
Whether it’s recording CPD, learning reflections or personal development plans, FourteenFish is designed to support healthcare professionals at every point in their career.
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NEW: GPs Talk Cancer podcast. Listen to our first episode.